(This blog entry has been edited to be slightly less offensive, because apparently my grandmother reads my blog. Sorry grandma!!!)
As a society, we seem to be giant pansies. I'm just sayin'............ There must be some kind of biological tendency to just let the a-holes win. Maybe it's some sort of weird dominance. Are we being submissive? Are most of us actually masochists -- secretly getting some sort of pleasure from being treated like crap by those that seem to run our lives? Or maybe.....................maybe we're just giant pansies. Bad people generally tend to have the final say when it comes to important decisions that affect our well-being. Politics drive decision making, even when those decisions are clearly not the right thing or the best thing. Ultimately, these political decisions dictate the quality of our lives. When I say politics, I don't necessarily mean government politics. That's part of it, but what I really mean is the politics in our daily lives: work, school, church, family, friends, etc. We play "games" in order to not offend people or step on anyone's toes. We stand idly by while people make horrible decisions that negatively affect us -- decisions that only benefit them and actually hurt the greater good. As human beings, we should absolutely strive to keep peace and not create more conflict -- but there has to be a limit. I'm not advocating acting like a jerk, but constantly letting selfish people run the show is definitely not the answer. Otherwise you open yourself up for them to walk all over you -- and they will -- because you're a giant pansy. Why do we strive to make these terrible people happy at the expense of others, including ourselves? Why do we let them manipulate us into furthering their selfish agenda? Honestly, I think one of the answers is that if we didn't bend over backwards for these people, we'd end up putting their heads on pikes. So it's one extreme versus the other -- go to jail for barbaric murder or bend over and take it. Apparently we tend to choose the latter -- because we're giant pansies. It's one thing when the "powers that be" make self-interested decisions that affect us financially, but when these decisions start to affect multiple areas of our lives, this is when it becomes sadistic. Especially if it affects our well-being and our happiness. It means they don't have empathy, which from a psychological standpoint makes them a sociopath. That means they're batsh*t crazy and they don't care about you one bit. THEY DON'T HAVE FEELINGS!!!!! Clearly this rant didn't just come out of nowhere. Clearly I'm angry and would like to go vigilante justice style on the people that think it's okay to toy with not only my existence, but the existence of the people I care about. Will I actually go vigilante justice style on them? Only in my daydreams............because I don't want to be made someone's prison wife. No thank you. But for the love of God, can we please stop letting our quality of life suffer in order to appease these selfish megalomaniacs? Because apparently we're freakin' giant pansies. I may not have children yet, but I have a strong maternal instinct. You don't eff with my people. I tend to hulk up if you do. And honestly, I really can't afford to be buying new clothes right now. So please don't eff with my people. K, thanks. Sincerely, An angry giant pansy
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JamieI'm an "adult," or so I've been told. I do "adult" things, I have an "adult" job, I pay bills, and I drink bourbon and wine. I have great friends and family, an amazing husband, and generally a pretty good life. I have achieved many things, yet so little at the same time. I'm in my 30s, yet I feel more clueless than when I graduated college. This is how I "adult." Archives
May 2019