So we made it to Texas. Holy crap was that a long drive............9.5 hours the first day. 10 the second day, and 5.5 the third day. I never want to drive again. Ever. But we're here. Well, technically we made it on July 11th, but I needed some time to unpack, decompress, and sleep, which is why my writing has been on hiatus for a bit. For the love of's such a wonderful thing. I've been missing it SO badly for the past month or so. But we're here...........and it's beautiful. The condo is exactly like the pictures and the pool that always feels like bath water is a two minute walk away. There are palm trees everywhere and the beach is within walking distance. There's a catch though..........turns out the beaches in Laguna Vista and Port Isabel aren't for swimming and such -- they're for fishing. So we can technically walk to the beach, but not the right kind of beach. So we have to drive a whole 25 minutes to get to the beaches on South Padre Island. Ugh. Life is so hard. (*sigh*) If you want to punch me right now, I totally understand. I'm not really whining about having to drive to the beach, just for the record. I just felt like being an a-hole. A 25 minute drive is freakin' awesome. And we're finally going to go to the beach today. Yay! If you still want to punch me, I also understand. I think this is where I say "neener neener neener." Or something to that effect. Everyone has been incredibly nice and hospitable so far. Our neighbors are great and everyone in our community waves at you, even if they don't know you. Things also seem to be slower paced down here, which is actually a really nice change. The stress of the constant "go, go, go" mentality was starting to wear on me. Granted, we've only been down here for 2 weeks, but the vibe is just different. You can feel it. It's nice. So while I'm looking for work, I'm getting back on the exercise train and enjoying the sun. I fell off that train so hard while we were packing and moving. I think I gained about 10 pounds through everything. Stress, fast food, not enough time for exercise, and drinking with friends................I drank more beer during the month leading up to moving than I have in a long, LONG time. Case and point, I am certainly not beach ready. But I feel like I'm sort of on vacation at the moment, so I don't care. Everyone will just have to deal with my extra 10 pounds and my pasty northern ass. Imma enjoy the beach in my bikini as I please -- thank you very much. I actually have already lost a few pounds since we've been here, but it's probably just the sun zapping my water weight, which is cool. Regardless -- definitely getting back on the exercise train. Woof. Fun thing I discovered................ Want to know how to make an already needy dog even needier? Move. But before you officially move, confuse the hell out of him by crashing at a friend's place for a few days, then going to a cottage on the lake, then to your future in-laws' place, then to your parents' house for a week. But if you REALLY want to top it off, put him in a car for 3 days, sprinkle a couple hotels in there, and then stick him in an unfamiliar place with crunchy grass and palm trees. BOOM. Needy dog becomes the neediest of all dogs. Mozzie is my freakin' shadow. I can't pee without him following me into the bathroom. If I try to go without him, he scratches at the door and whines. If I leave for an hour to exercise..........oh my god........the way he acts when I come would think he'd been alone the entire day. It's insane. He's real cute, and I love him to death, but he's definitely confirmed that I am not ready for children anytime soon. Whoa. I digress. Anyhow............more on Texas later. Imma go to the beach, son! Jamie out. This is the front of our condo. There is a palm tree right outside the front door. It's awesome.
1 Comment
Debbie smith
7/23/2016 12:39:58 pm
I love reading about how you feel about life and where you are now. Don't stop. I'm glad you like where you are. We miss you. Take care. Debbie
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JamieI'm an "adult," or so I've been told. I do "adult" things, I have an "adult" job, I pay bills, and I drink bourbon and wine. I have great friends and family, an amazing husband, and generally a pretty good life. I have achieved many things, yet so little at the same time. I'm in my 30s, yet I feel more clueless than when I graduated college. This is how I "adult." Archives
May 2019